Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How to Be Kissable

A person's kissability can be negatively affected by many factors, including bad breath and chapped lips. However, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize these problems and make yourself more kissable.

  • Have fresh breath. Begin by brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily.
  • During the day, especially after meals, use breath mints or breath strips. Breath strips work better, especially if you've just ended a garlicky dinner or whatnot. Be careful about gum because you will have to get rid of it before kissing.
  • Make sure that your lips are well moisturized. You should also apply lip balm frequently (carry one in your pocket or purse). This will help keep your lips soft.
  • Don't forget to look after your skin. Use products with shea butter, it's better than most other skincare ingredients and it doesn't leave a greasy feel after use (who would want to kiss you if your skin shines like sweat?).
  • Make plenty of eye contact. This provides the intimate connection that is an invitation to kissing.
  • Being comfortable makes you appear more relaxed and therefore more kissable. Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes.


  • Guys: When you notice a girl leaning towards you & looking you dead in the eye she wants to kiss. If the environment is not conducive to a kiss, use the next opportunity.
  • A surprise kiss is often quite memorable but if you dont know the person likes you as more then a friend it can be a disaster
  • When you kiss someone (especially if it is just a casual kiss) DO NOT pucker your lips (in other words, don't "smooch")! It also helps not to lick your lips; no one likes a messy, wet kiss.
  • If you smoke, quit! In addition to being bad for your health, smoking yellows your teeth and causes severe bad breath, which will keep others from even thinking about kissing you!
  • Guys: Most girls want to kiss you. So act interested and they will likely catch on.
  • Girls: Kissing is half of what most guys think about, so don't worry about the guy wanting to kiss. Chances are, they do.
  • If you're a girl, wear a light shade of lipstick or flavored lip gloss so it shows the guy you are up for a kiss.
  • Girls : Almost every guy wants to kiss a girl, sometimes even in the earlier stages in a relationship. If you want to kiss, most likely the guy you're with wants to kiss. Go for it!
  • Make your kiss last long,if you want to remember it keep your position and keep following up with kisses. You don't want your kiss to be over in 1 second.


  • If you have severe bad breath that is not helped by brushing, flossing, etc., consult your dentist or doctor. Listerine might help so an extra 30 seconds will not hurt!

Things You'll Need

  • Yourself, with lips
  • A person who is open to kissing activities
  • Breath mints (optional)
  • Lip mask (optional but works well, especially for easily chapped lips!)
  • Lip balm (optional)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bad breath will turn off anyone! You wouldn't want to kiss, socialize or talk to anyone with bad breath, right? If you want to look good, you have to maintain good oral health. Thanks for these tips!

Bradley Bedell